Fit Ball – Soft Ball Pilates Instructor Certification Course

In our Fit ball – Soft ball Pilates instructor course, students will learn special and effective Pilates exercises using the soft balls and fit balls, as well as teaching techniques.

During the course, students will learn the benefits of soft ball and fit ball Pilates, the structure of the beginner, intermediate and advanced Soft ball – Fit ball Pilates classes.

At the end of the course, the graduated students will have a repertoire of 50 intermediate and advanced Soft ball – Fit ball Pilates exercises that can be taught on their own or incorporated into their MAT Pilates classes.


Benefits of Fit ball – Soft ball Pilates:

  • Increases flexibility
  • Improves balance
  • Opens the hips
  • Builds strong CORE and beautiful posture
  • Shapes the body, build lean muscles
  • Relaxes the mind and body
  • Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Improves concentration and focus
  • Improves overall health


Module 1

  • Explore the benefits of Pilates on the ball. You will learn the basic anatomy associated with Pilates on the ball.
  • The breathing technique will also be covered. You will understand the breathing technique and how to teach the Pilates ball exercises correctly to your clients.

Module 2

  • Explore the warm-up and the cool down techniques. It is very important to start your Fit ball – Soft ball Pilates class with nice, gentle stretching and finish it with a 5-minute cool down session. You will learn all of this in this module.
  • Promote safety. Whether your clients are working out at home, in a studio, or under the open sky, the course emphasizes ensuring their safety and well-being.
  • You will learn 25 Fit ball Pilates exercises in this module.

Module 3

  • Explore 25 Soft ball Pilates exercises and the correct way to teach them. While you are learning the exercises you will also learn the cuing technique.
  • Cueing to music. Some clients love to listen to gentle music during a Ball Pilates class. We will give you the best suggestions regarding the music.

Module 4

  • You will have a full Fit ball – Soft ball Pilates class with your course leader. You will get the class schedule that you can use in your own class.
  • You will practice with your schoolmates, and we will answer all of your questions during this module.


EXAM: Practical exam.

Certificate of qualification at the end of the course:

Certified Fit ball – Soft ball Pilates Instructor International Diploma (US-registered, international diploma)

The certificate of qualification will be scanned and sent to the student by email and by FIRST CLASS postage.

The course price includes the following (All-in-one):

  • Registration fee
  • Course tuition fee
  • Online consultation fees
  • All course materials fee
  • Course book (printable digital copy)
  • International diploma fee
  • First class postage costs
  • Examination fee

Requirements to complete the course:

  • participation in online "live" consultations,
  • successful practical and written exam (min.80%)
  • full payment of the course fee


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