Easy Exercise to try Mindfulness in Daily Life

Easy Exercise to try Mindfulness in Daily Life

Do you have a busy mind and need to lower stress? You know you would benefit from meditation, but cannot sit still and focus? Then you need to try mindful walking! 😉 According to Harvard Medical School practicing everyday mindfulness can improve your memory and...

Mindfulness and Mindful Nutrition – written by Dr. Suzanna Braeger

Mindfulness and Mindful Nutrition – written by Dr. Suzanna Braeger

Mindfulness is an ancient art that has been around as long as humanity itself. When you see a still, self-contained person, they are likely to have achieved the ability to regularly practice mindfulness. The definition is the art of being present in the mind. Does...

Let us talk about our gut microbiome – written by Dr. Suzanna Braeger

Let us talk about our gut microbiome – written by Dr. Suzanna Braeger

Within our intestine live a vast community of bacteria (trillions of them in fact), collectively known as the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is of interest in nutrition because research has revealed it plays an important regulatory role within the body. What is so...

Holistic Lifestyle and Ayurveda – written by Dr. Suzanna Braeger

Holistic Lifestyle and Ayurveda – written by Dr. Suzanna Braeger

Living a holistic lifestyle has far-reaching benefits that are both physical and mental. Its roots are found in ancient natural healing systems. The whole philosophy and practice of nature cure is built on basic principles. It basically means living your life and...

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