Details of the Service Provider (Seller):

Name: Body & Soul Wellness, Inc.

7582 Las Vegas Blvd. S. Las Vegas, Nevada – 89123, USA

Address for mailing: 7582 Las Vegas Blvd. S. Las Vegas, Nevada – 89123, USA

Tax ID: 27-0381735





Bank account number: 153758363250

Details of the service provider:

Name: WordPress




Parties: seller and buyer together

Consumer: a natural person acting outside his/her trade, profession, self-employed occupation or business

Consumer contract: a contract to which one of the parties is a consumer

Website: this website which is used for the conclusion of the contract

Contract: a sales contract concluded between the Seller and the Buyer using the Website and electronic mail

Device for remote communication: a device that enables the parties to make a contractual statement in their absence in order to conclude a contract. Such means include, in particular, addressed or unaddressed printed matter, standard letters, advertisements published in the press with order forms, catalogues, telephones, faxes and Internet access devices

Distance contract: a consumer contract concluded without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties in the context of a distance sales system organized for the supply of the goods or services covered by the contract, where the parties use a means of distance communication only to conclude the contract

Product: any marketable movable good included in the offer of the Website and intended for sale on the Website and which is the subject of the Contract

Business: a person acting in the course of his trade, profession, self-employed occupation or business

Buyer: a person who enters into a contract by submitting a purchase offer via the Website

Standstill: for contracts concluded between a consumer and a business (hereafter: consumer contract), the Civil Code,

  • (a) a guarantee for the performance of the contract which the undertaking voluntarily assumes for the proper performance of the contract, in addition to its statutory obligation or in the absence thereof, and
  • (b) a mandatory statutory guarantee


Scope of the GTC, adoption

The content of the contract concluded between us shall be governed by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “GTC”), in addition to the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation. Accordingly, these General Terms and Conditions contain the rights and obligations of you and us, the conditions under which the contract is concluded, the time limits for performance, the delivery and payment terms, the liability rules and the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal.

You must read the provisions of these GTC before finalizing your order. By purchasing through our online store, you agree to the provisions of these GTC and the GTC shall form an integral part of the contract between you and the Seller.


Language of the contract, form of the contract

The language of the contracts covered by these GTC is English.

Contracts covered by these GTC are not written contracts and are not registered by the Seller.

The Contract shall be governed by the provisions of the law of the United States and the European Union.



Prices are in US dollars (USD). The Seller is exempt from VAT under the Value Added Tax Act and therefore prices are exclusive of VAT. Prices are indicative. The possibility that the Seller may change the prices for commercial policy reasons cannot be excluded. The amendment of prices does not cover contracts already concluded. If the Seller has indicated the price incorrectly, he shall act on the basis of the clause “Procedure for incorrect price” of the GTC in the case of contracts already concluded.

Complaints and redress

The consumer may submit consumer complaints about the product or the Seller’s activities to the following contact details:

  • Telephone: 1-702.2092
  • Internet address:
  • E-mail:

The company must investigate the oral complaint immediately and remedy it as necessary. If the consumer does not agree with the handling of the complaint or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the undertaking must immediately take a record of the complaint and its position on it and, in the case of a face-to-face oral complaint, give a copy of the record to the consumer on the spot. In the case of an oral complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communications service, the consumer shall be provided with the substantive reply within 30 days at the latest, in accordance with the provisions applicable to the reply to the written complaint. In other respects, the consumer shall act on the written complaint as follows. Unless otherwise provided for in a directly applicable legal act of the European Union, the business must reply in writing to the written complaint within 30 days of receipt and take steps to communicate the reply. A shorter time limit may be laid down by law, or a longer time limit by statute. The undertaking must state the reasons for its rejection of the complaint. Oral complaints communicated by telephone or by electronic communications must be given a unique identification number.

The undertaking must keep a record of the complaint and a copy of the reply for five years and present it to the supervisory authorities at their request.

If the complaint is rejected, the undertaking must inform the consumer in writing of the authority or conciliation body to which he may refer the complaint, depending on its nature. The information must also include the address, telephone and Internet contact details and the postal address of the competent authority or conciliation body in the place where the consumer resides or is staying. The information should also include whether the business will use the conciliation body to resolve the consumer dispute.

If any consumer dispute between the seller and the consumer is not settled during the negotiations, the following means of redress are available to the consumer:

Complain to the consumer protection authorities. If the consumer perceives a violation of his consumer rights, he has the right to lodge a complaint with the consumer protection authority in his place of residence. Once the complaint has been examined, the authority will decide whether to take consumer protection proceedings. The first instance consumer protection authority is the district office of the consumer’s place of residence.


Online dispute resolution platform

The European Commission has set up a website where consumers can register to resolve their online shopping disputes by filling in an application form and avoiding court proceedings. This will allow consumers to enforce their rights without, for example, being prevented by distance. If you want to complain about a product or service bought online and do not necessarily want to go to court, you can use the online dispute resolution tool.

On the portal, you and the service provider you have complained about can jointly choose the dispute resolution body you want to deal with your complaint. The online dispute resolution platform is available here: HYPERLINK




Pursuant to Section 1 (1) of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright (hereinafter: Copyright Act), the website is considered a copyright work, and therefore all parts of it are protected by copyright. The unauthorized use of the graphics, software, computer programs or any other application that may be used to modify the website or any part thereof is prohibited. Any material from the website and its database may be reproduced, even with the written consent of the copyright holder, only with reference to the website and with acknowledgement of the source.

The copyright holder is Body ‘n’ Soul Wellness Academy


Partial invalidity, code of conduct

If a clause of the GTC is legally incomplete or ineffective, the remaining clauses of the contract remain in force and the provisions of the applicable legislation apply in place of the ineffective or defective part.

The Seller does not have a code of conduct under the Unfair Commercial Practices Act.


How digital content works, technical protection measures

The availability of the servers providing the data displayed on the website is above 99.9% per year. The entire data content is backed up regularly so that the original data content can be restored in the event of a problem. The data displayed on the website is stored in MSSQL and MySQL databases. Sensitive data is stored using encryption of appropriate strength and encrypted using hardware support built into the processor.


Information on the essential characteristics of products

On the website, information about the services available for purchase is provided in the descriptions of each service.


Correction of data entry errors – Responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided

You will always have the opportunity to correct the data you have entered during the order process before finalizing the order (clicking the back button in the browser will open the previous page, so you can correct the data you have entered even if you have already gone to the next page). Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the data you have entered is accurate, as the product will be invoiced and delivered based on the data you have provided. By placing your order, you acknowledge that the Seller is entitled to charge you for any damages and costs resulting from your incorrect entry of data or inaccurate data. The Seller excludes any liability for performance based on inaccurate data entry. Please note that an incorrectly entered e-mail address or a saturation of the storage space associated with the mailbox may result in non-delivery of the confirmation and may prevent the conclusion of the contract.




Procedure in case of incorrect price

A price is considered to be obviously incorrect:

– 0 HUF price, 0 USD price

– a price reduced by a discount but incorrectly indicating the discount (e.g. a product offered at USD 500 for a USD 1000 product with a 20% discount).

In case of misrepresentation of the price, the Seller offers the possibility to purchase the service at the real price, in the knowledge of which the Customer may decide to order the service at the real price or to cancel the order without any adverse legal consequences. By clicking on the “Submit Order” button, you finalize your order.


Order a product/service:

If you would like to purchase a product/service, you can do so by clicking on the shopping cart button. To view and check the products in your cart, click on the “View Cart” button. If you wish to view your shopping cart, you can click on the “View Cart” button to see the items you have added to your cart. Clicking on Empty Cart will delete the entire contents of your cart.

Immediately before approving the order, the User can check the correctness of the data and the products/services to be ordered on the Order Summary page. If you wish to correct the data, you can do so by clicking on the pencil icon.

You can also order the service by contacting us either via the website or by e-mail (


Order processing, conclusion of the contract

Orders are processed in two stages. You can contact us at any time and purchase the course. You will receive an automatic confirmation of your online purchase. If you do not receive a response within 24-48 hours of purchase, please email as your order may not have been received for technical reasons.

The contract will be concluded when the confirmation email sent by the Seller is available to you in your mail system (second confirmation) and the student contract has been sent to you by email (as document attached).

Acceptance methods, acceptance fees

Payment of the service fees is made by credit card, Paypal or bank transfer.

In the case of electronic payment, payment is made in the currency determined by the Seller.


Deadline for delivery

The deadline for delivery is indicated in the description of the services (start date of the course).




Reservation of rights, reservation of ownership

The Seller may withhold delivery of the Product/Service until it is satisfied that payment for the Product/Service has been successfully made using the electronic payment solution (including in the case of products paid for by bank transfer, where the Customer transfers the purchase price in the currency of the Member State in which the product is sold and the Seller does not receive the full purchase price due to the conversion and bank commissions and charges. If the price of the Product/Service has not been paid in full, the Seller may request the Buyer to supplement the purchase price.


Sales abroad

The Seller does not discriminate between buyers within the European Union and buyers within the United States of America by using the Website.

Purchases outside the European Union are also subject to the provisions of these GTC, with the proviso that, for the purposes of this clause, a Buyer is a consumer who is a national or resident of a Member State or a business established in a Member State and purchases goods or services within the European Union solely for the purpose of end use or with such intent. A consumer is a natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade, business, craft or profession.

The Customer may exercise his rights under these GTC.

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